SD Gundam Cross Silhouette RX-78-2 Gundam (Clear Color)
The Gundam Base Limited
Bandai Spirits | Nr. 5055502
Verwandte Produkte
Detail and Conversion sets
Entworfen für: Unknown
SD Gundam Cross Silhouette
Silhouette Booster 2 (White)Bandai Spirits
5060436 (OP-09) 2020 Neue Bausatzform SD Gundam Cross Silhouette
Silhouette Booster (Green)Bandai Spirits
5058866 (OP-08) 2020 Neue Verpackung SD Gundam Cross Silhouette
Silhouette Booster (Red)Bandai Spirits
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Cross Silhouette Frame [Green]Bandai Spirits
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Cross Silhouette Frame [Red]Bandai Spirits
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SD Gundam Cross Silhouette
RX-78-2 Gundam (Clear Color) The Gundam Base Limited Bandai Spirits
5055502 2018 Geändert ???