1968 Pontiac GTO JUDGEZobrazit: Prezentace Mozaika Seznam 1February 21, 2024The box. 26 years old. 2February 21, 2024Engine coming along. 3February 21, 2024Not much to put together on the chassis. 4February 21, 2024Nice looking body, hood gap could be better though. 5February 23, 2024Body in primer. Took some work to get the grill clip looking decent. 6February 23, 2024Exhaust and rear suspension. 7February 23, 2024Interior tub. 8February 23, 2024Battery, only the top is in the kit. 9February 23, 2024Wheel and tire package. Took some hot water to get the tires on the rims. 10February 23, 2024Wiper motor and wire part. 11February 23, 2024Master cylinder. I got carried away. 12February 23, 2024Engine and trans in color. 13March 4, 2024Did some detailing on the engine, not much. 14March 4, 2024Interior together and detailed as much as I'm going to. 15March 4, 2024The wheels on this kit snap on very loose and flop all over. Super glue and steel blocks to set them straight. 16March 4, 2024I'm trying my hand at polishing the paint. This is a second coat of paint after 600 grit. I'll be doing 12,000 grit on the clear. 17March 4, 2024Engine installed and interior tub fitted. Now to get the shiny paint job complete. 18March 7, 2024Looks good to me. 19March 7, 2024Trying my hand at tinting. 20March 7, 202426 year old decals held together! I'm very happy about that. 21March 9, 2024Quick test fit the other day 22March 9, 2024Calling it 23March 9, 2024Looks pretty sharp 24March 9, 2024The best paint job I've ever done. 25March 9, 2024 26March 9, 2024First time sanding and buffing paint. 27March 9, 2024 28March 11, 2024Photo of instructions showing side markers/ signal lights. They are in the kit. Komentáře11 January 2025, 09:55 - Album infoGrandson Andrew picked this out for me too build. Looks like a quick build kit. '69 Pontiac GTO "Judge"28 obrázky1:24DokončenoVšechna albaZobrazit všechna alba »