GB: PaKПреглед: Слайдшоу Мозайка Списък 1April 29, 2023 2October 18, 2023Started. Not all pe in place yet 3October 18, 2023Some pe here and there. It’s tiny! 4October 27, 2023Above: Before. Below: Intermediate 5October 27, 2023Above: Before. Below: End 6October 27, 2023Both done 7October 27, 2023Ammo boxes. There was a third one, which I tried to drill out. Holes were drilled, box ruined. 8October 27, 2023Some more parts glued on. 9October 27, 2023I hope there will be some plastic left? 10October 27, 2023Nope. Even the barrel has been replaced. 11October 27, 2023Assembly before painting. Коментари9 January 2025, 19:51 - Project info3.7cm PaK 35/36 anti-tank gun11 снимки1:35ИдеиГрупово изгражданеTowed guns1. Юли До 31. Декември 2023Всички албумиПреглед на всички албуми »