WIP F-86 SabreПреглед: Слайдшоу Мозайка Списък 1June 14, 2020Closed the airbrakes. Needed some backstop on the starboard side 2June 14, 2020Some weight in the nose 3June 14, 2020Seat. Bare 4June 14, 2020Dry fit 5June 14, 2020Dry fit looks very good 6June 14, 2020My usual fantasy coloured cockpit 7June 14, 2020Closing the fuselage 8June 14, 2020Dry fit of the wings to the fuselage. Some sanding done on the spine 9June 15, 2020I had to rescribe the lines on the belly and spine 10June 15, 2020After polishing cloths, it is decent enough 11June 15, 2020After polishing cloths, it is decent enough 12June 21, 2020Primer on 13June 21, 2020Primer on 14June 21, 2020Alclad Polished aluminium 15June 21, 2020Looks okay 16August 20, 2020Masked for duraluminum 17August 20, 2020Some colour on other parts 18August 20, 2020Wheel wells masked 19August 20, 2020Green 20August 20, 2020Duraluminum sprayed 21August 20, 2020Stripped as the aluminium lifted 22August 20, 2020Other approach with bmf 23August 20, 2020Ailerons 24August 20, 2020These will be painted duraluminum 25August 20, 2020Sprayed 26August 20, 2020Experiment failed as alclad lifted off the bmf. Now entire fuselage covered in bmf 27August 20, 2020Wings painted vallejo silver. Varnish is pooling for some reason 28October 11, 2020Stripped her once more 29October 11, 2020Sprayed the wings Vallejo Silver. While demasking the Parafilm, some of the BMF lifted 🙁 30October 11, 2020 31October 11, 2020Re-BMF-ed 32October 11, 2020Looks nice, doesnt it? 33October 11, 2020Now we're getting somewhere! 34October 11, 2020The decals won't conform and start to curl. Let's sleep on it. 35October 11, 2020The day after. Even after extra Microsol, this is becoming ridiculous. 36October 11, 2020And not coming off, as well 37October 11, 2020So I stripped the wing tips once more, and sprayed with Vallejo Silver, again. 38October 11, 2020Progress?? 39October 11, 2020Decals underway 40October 11, 2020 41December 2, 2020So I drilled two holes and abused a paperclip 42December 2, 2020This thing keeps falling off 43December 2, 2020Not it’s posable 44December 2, 2020 Коментари10 January 2025, 23:17 - Album infoShe's done: scalemates.com/profi..bums&album=64067F-86F Sabre48 снимки1:72ЗавършенNorth American F-86F-30 Sabre US Air Force (1947-now)39 FIS, 51 FIW 52-4641 (Capt. Charles McSwain)1953 Korean War - Suwon (K-13) Mike's Bird Всички албумиПреглед на всички албуми »