Newa-SCПреглед: Слайдшоу Мозайка Списък 1July 19, 2018What I'll try to achieve 2July 19, 2018Parts of the rocket launcher 3July 19, 2018rockets 4July 19, 2018other side 5July 19, 2018upper hull body 6July 19, 2018lower hull 7July 19, 2018upper turret 8July 19, 2018lower turret 9July 19, 2018some very pronounced roadwheels 10July 19, 2018rubber tracks 11July 23, 2018Opened up most of the holes, a few should be added 12July 23, 2018Before sanding 13July 23, 2018Had to remove some detail, will add it later on 14July 23, 2018Startpart of the missile 15July 23, 2018Thinning the part between the first and second stage 16July 23, 2018Remover outer detail, will re-add it, also busy thinning the flicht controls 17July 23, 2018Ready to sand 18July 23, 2018Ready to sand 19July 23, 2018Sanded 20July 23, 2018Rear fins done Коментари9 January 2025, 22:50 - Album infomy attempt at this mobile air-defence unit.T-55 NEWA SC20 снимки1:72В ходВсички албумиПреглед на всички албуми »