Star Wars Millenium Falcon
1 30 May 2017, 05:19
Tim Heimer
very nice considering the size!. what 's the length on that??? seeing the blue propulsion area next to the paint brush.
very nice considering the size!. what 's the length on that??? seeing the blue propulsion area next to the paint brush.
30 May 2017, 12:45
Kars Jans
Thank you both. The total length is about 9,5 cm and about 7 cm wide. The panel lines were painted with a x-acto knife.
Thank you both. The total length is about 9,5 cm and about 7 cm wide. The panel lines were painted with a x-acto knife.
30 May 2017, 18:24
Alberto Traverso
looks great... did you painted the Falcon or just used the original plastic color it came with?
looks great... did you painted the Falcon or just used the original plastic color it came with?
3 March 2018, 00:00
Steve Wilson
Excellent Kars, makes a change doing... And now for something completely different. I'm doing a Concord for the wife at the moment, first plane I've built since I was about 10 yrs old...
Excellent Kars, makes a change doing... And now for something completely different. I'm doing a Concord for the wife at the moment, first plane I've built since I was about 10 yrs old...
3 March 2018, 16:13
Album info
This is a small kit from Bandai. Easy to assemble....but you need to paint it to make it nice. Full WIP on my website