Scorpion GasserПреглед: Слайдшоу Мозайка Списък 1October 22, 2023Cool box art 2October 22, 2023The kit contents. 2 full engines to choose from. 3October 22, 2023 4October 22, 2023No paint on the body just pearl clear. 5October 22, 2023The big dodge V8 6October 22, 2023Rear axle 7October 22, 2023Roll cage 8October 27, 2023 9October 27, 2023 10October 27, 2023I don't think I'll have it done for the show tomorrow, we'll see. 11October 27, 2023Got the chute on 12October 27, 2023Trying to get the wheels on straight. The tiny pins for mounting the wheels are terrible. 13October 28, 2023Calling it done. 14October 28, 2023Went together ok except the wheel pins, ugh 15October 28, 2023Body lift arm works as 16October 28, 2023 17October 28, 2023 18October 28, 2023Blue toe nails just like me 19October 28, 2023 20October 28, 2023Love the Gasser look Коментари26 January 2025, 02:39 - Album infoJust building it by the book except some color changesSkorpion Gasser20 снимки1:25ЗавършенВсички албумиПреглед на всички албуми »